Elias L. Ohneberg
Hello, I am Elias...

I hold a PhD in Finance from the University of Cambridge and am a postdoctoral research associate in Finance at the Centre for Endowment Asset Management (CEAM) at the University of Cambridge Judge Business.

My research is empirical and revolves around topics in asset management. As an empiricist, I employ data analysis in my investigations into the mutual fund industry. My latest working papers examine:

  • the relationship between within-firm connections and portfolio manager Incentives and mutual fund performance.
  • the effect of a happy workforce on employee performance in the mutual fund industry.
  • the role of expertise and market thickness in mutual fund outsourcing.

  • For my empirical analysis, I predominantly use the Julia Programming Language.

    As an empiricist, I believe important (financial) decisions should be based on hard data and facts. Therefore I have created an interface in Julia to access financial data from Yahoo Finance – YFinance.jl. The package allows users to access practically all data displayed by Yahoo Finance easily.

    Data items include but are not limited to: Stock, currency, and futures prices, company fundamental data, option chains, ESG ratings, up- and down-grades, analyst ratings, insider transactions, and much more.

    This unofficial API is for personal use only, and one should check Yahoo's terms of service before downloading the data.

    Working Papers
    The Hidden Costs of Networking: The Consequences on Mutual Fund Manager Incentives and Performance
    Solo Author
    Satisfied Employees, Satisfied Investors: How Employee Well-being Impacts Mutual Fund Returns
    with Dr Pedro Saffi (University of Cambridge)
    Market Thickness and Mutual Fund Outsourcing
    with Dr David Chambers (University of Cambridge) and Dr Richard B. Evans (University of Virginia)
    Research Reports
    Dividends, Share Repurchases and Stock Returns
    with Dr David Chambers (University of Cambridge) and Dr Adam Reed (University of North Carolina)

    Excel Files

    MV Optimization with 5 Assets

    I use a slightly different version of this to illustrate Mean Variance Optimization in one of my session with the Masters in Finance programme.

    Some of my students might find it useful to see a more automated version of the sheet used in class, using some simple macros.

    Multiple Regression Output

    This file allows the user to perform a multiple-regression that updates dynamically with changes in the input data by using the linest function.

    Some of the students might find this useful, specifically doing their robustness on the impact of different estimation windows in factor regressions.